Promoting Women in Arbitration
Den 7 december 2023 anordnas en lunch med Maria Åhr
"Let’s take a moment to recognize the importance of diversity in the arbitration community. At its core, arbitration is about fairness and impartiality. To truly achieve these goals, it is essential that arbitration practitioners themselves represent a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Unfortunately, the reality is that historically, diversity has been lacking in arbitration, not only concerning gender. This is something that needs to change, and we all have a role to play. I encourage everyone in the arbitration community to prioritize diversity and inclusion. Taking part in SWAN’s activities is one way to do that. SWAN creates mentorships, networking opportunities, and is actively working towards eliminating any barriers that may be preventing diversity from flourishing.
The SCC is a proud partner to SWAN, and we encourage all female arbitration practitioners to sign up as members and to actively take part in SWAN’s activities."
Caroline Falconer
Secretary General,SCC Arbitration Institute and Co-founder of SWAN
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